High efficiency grease intended for mechanisms operated in a wide range of temperatures
Grease Lithium EX7 2 has been formulated to offer a solution for various lubrications problems when working at temperatures between -55 and 150 ºC. Grease Lithium EX7 is capable of working without losing lubricating capacity,maintaining a lubricating film that avoids
friction even when operating under severe conditions. Grease Lithium EX7 2 is formulated with a lithium soap and synthetic base oil. The additive package improves the lubricating capacity significantly, mainly at low temperatures. The high viscosity index base oil with the
lubricant provides the product with a correct apparent dynamic viscosity at both low and high temperatures. The variation in temperature is low and its resistance to aging secures a life long lubrication. At low temperatures, a conventional lubricant would experience a too high
viscosity increase which would make the grease stiff. With high temperatures a significant decrease of viscosity would be seen and consequently provoke a high reduction of the lubricating capacity. Then wear problems, bearing and mechanisms breakage would appear,
resulting in unnecessary downtime.
Grease Lithium EX7 2 can work in a wide range of speeds, as well perfectly suitable in medium and high speed operations FV=8x10^5.
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